what the hell is going on?the dust has only just begun to formcrop circles in the carpetsinking feelingSo, yesterday started great. I cleaned my room, lounged a bit, ate, left and got my hair cut.
I was going to go see Grayson and Mel, hear some new songs and such, it felt like it was gonna be a really fun great day.
Then I rear ended a car.
I luckly swerved so the side panels got almost all the damage, and only two pieces on each car will need to be replaced, both relativly small, but sill over a thousand dollars in damages. I'm fine, so are the other people, they were even really nice. Their car is driveable, mine isn't. I got a ticket but the really nice cop said that they prob. wouldn't show up to court, so the charge+points+fine will be dropped. Let's pray that this happens.
I'm also sick. Woo.
I'm freaking tired of 08, and can't wait for it to be over, but this is my fault, not the year's, not God's, not anyone's but mine. Life sucks and then you die, Heaven is hopefully the next part in that sequence.
I wish i could listen to Imogen Heap tonight. it would help me sleep a lot.
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spin me round againand rub my eyes,this can't be happeningwhen busy streets amass with peoplewould stop to hold their heads heavy