Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I don't know how much you can see of this....but i just have one question....
When did our faith become about numbers and not love?
I see this and ask myself...Would Jesus, the loving passionate son of God, who over turned tables in the temple and ran people out of the temple with a whip of rope, would He really be okay with something called Judgement House...I'm sorry, I think they forgot to put the part where Jesus used scare tactics to save/heal/resurrect/love/forgive people in my bible....oh wait...that's right...He never did that.
And ask me what I think about re dedication sometime.....but make sure you have a minute or 15....
We serve a God of Love, He is a God, a Father, the Groom to our Bride....not an accountant.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Rain: The sound of Love

I'm sitting here in my living room,
listening to it..It's a beautiful sound,
it's the sound of God
quenching the earth, comforting his children,
answering their prayers.

It's one of the numerous sounds of love that He offers us,
along with the sounds of our friends laughing,
the sound of loved ones clapping,
and three very simple words.

And sometimes those words are so so hard to say.
And sometimes still, they're the absolute toughest to hear.
They are words of grace, and of mercy, of forgiveness.
They are the words that say so much more.
They say,
I accept you, as you are,
I don't see your flaws, but your perfections,
I don't see your darkness, because I'm blinded by your light.
I embrace your brokenness because I accept your breaking.
I Lived for you, so you can Live for me.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

My God, O' God, Help us now.

Selfish desire, deceit, gossip, apathy, bitterness, cynicism, loneliness.....These are not things that should be found in a church, but yet these are things that my church has found in its self. This makes me want to cry for two reasons, tears of sadness over the fact that we have let things get like this, but more than that, tears of joy that we have noticed it, that we have admitted to these things and that we have taken measures to fix our brokenness....
Joy, Light, Love, Support, Friendship, Forgiveness, Grace, Mercy....these are things that I have experienced tonight....Thank You Lord, You have been with us, and are with us still. I pray that You continue to be with us through all of this and that You guard our hearts from our enemy and that You give us love and grace to pour out on each other and others around us as these hard times end and begin...

"And oh my God, I know you can hear us, we're just tired of changing like seasons, we feel your love, if we could love ourselves, we don't love ourselves..."

Sunday, October 4, 2009


I can't believe the roller coaster I'm on right now. I feel like I'm on the road to becoming who I want to be and to getting my crap straight, but I feel like I keep running of track and then running back, and I'm not making a lot of progress. I want to be more consistent, and I think I'm getting there, mainly because of some self realizations, but also because I want to be the person and man and man of God that the amazing people in my life expect and need me to be. And I want to be that person, even more so, because I expect and need myself to be that man.
I read your blog just now, and you did one of those silly things where you talk about people but don't let them know who they are by name, just explanation.....and I wasn't one of those people, and that kind of hurt/broke my heart. And that's not fair to say to you because I've done nothing to be one of those people in your life. But maybe if I had focused on God and you a little bit more in the past couple of weeks then I could have been. Regardless I miss you, and I love you, and I've realized that I want you to be part of my life, as a friend, nothing more, but I need you there as a friend, and I feel like maybe you need me too, and maybe that is arrogant thing to say, but I feel like it could very well be true, because it's been true in the past. I hope it is. I hope I'm right in all of this, and I hope that we can both handle it....