Saturday, January 31, 2009

I'm suprised I'm still alive.

I was up till 4:30 last night b/c I had to babysit drunk people, or well,...a person. And I don't mind at all, he's a wonderful guy I love to death, but stil... I had to get up at 9:30 to go do landscaping stuff, Got there at 11, didn't get home till 1:30, ate, slept for litterally 20 minutes, showered, and then went to work, where I have been for the last eight hours. my day has been 15 hours long, with 11 hours of work, and on 5 hours of sleep.
I think that we can all just trust that God is the only reason I am still living, even though if you saw me right now, you might disagree with me about that whole alive thing.
AND! because of blue laws I couldn't buy a razor to shave with before church tomorrow...that's irony, son.
Prayer, Sleep, Church, Paper, maybe Shack. That is as far as my life planning goes right now...i'll worry about the job and kids tomorrow.

Friday, January 23, 2009

A fool looks at a finger that points to the sky

Oh, how that phrase depicts my life. If only. If only I would always look to the sky.
Sometimes though, I stare at that finger a mighty long time.
And so does she.
And so does he.
When we should all be looking at Him.

Could I really be becoming less selfish? Could I care about someone enough to put in the work? We'll see I guess....

Pace your self
your tired body's

Gonna let go
Before you reach the end.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Oh God, my God

Where have you been?

I'm pretty sure that this is the second time i've had that title in a relatively short amount of time. But i guess the situation I'm in is much the same again.
1: I'm continually suprised/impressed/proud of (in that order) how much my church prays. We pray before we worship, we pray while we worship, we pray after we worship, we pray after that prayer, we pray before/during/after communion/worship. and close it all out with a prayer. that's 1..2..3...4..5..6...7..8 times or somthing in a 2 hour period. Like legitiment praye in 2 hours...crazy.
2: I had one of the best realiztions of my entire existence to date last night. It is very long and has to do with how Jesus dying opened up for us the ability to feel the Most High Place (the big one in Heaven) via the Holly Spirit.
And how much I have taken God/Jesus/Holy Spirit for granted.
So, I've kinda loved the past three days of my life.. despite the rediculous amount of school work i have right now...
b/c "this too shall pass". I met a girl today and that was her motto...hmm.