I feel like I should be blogging about some really important stuff, but i really just dont' have the energy to type it. But do Pray for me, God is nudging me, and I just don't know which way He's nudging me....I know missions is pretty much set in stone, but how I'm going to go about that is still up in the air. oh yeah, and you should live a simple life, b/c if you get too much money, or to much fame, you lose your time to spend with God, He didn't put us on this planet to get rich and famous, or to have a big house with 5 cars and 2.5 dogs. We're here to praise Him and lift Him up, so that's what we need to do.
There's a really good verse on this in Thessalonians, it's in chapter 4 around verse 11 i think, it talks about living a simple life and working with our hands, it's pretty sweet, you should check it out.
Love ya'll guys,
Monday, April 30, 2007
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Mon Dieu est parfait
My God is perfect.
And He is. I just wish my bestfriends and I could agree a little more (lot more) on Him. And maybe it's that I'm crazy and all this spiritual stuff is just in my head, or maybe they're just too much in a comfort zone to admit that it is real...oh and this goes for my parents too.
1 Corinthians 14: Tounges and Prophecy ( or gifts of the spirit)
Let love be your highest goal! But you should also desire the special abilities the Spirit gievs--especially the ability to prophesy.2For if you have the ability to speack in tounges, you will be talking only to God, since people won't be able to understand you. You will be speaking by the power of the Spirit, but it will all be mysterious.3But one who prophesies strengthens others, encourages them, and comforts them. 4A person who speaks in toungus is strengthend personally, but one who speaks a word of prophecy strengthens the entire church.
5I wish you could all speak in tongues, but even more i wish you could all prophesy. For prophecy is greater than speaking in tongues, unless someone interprets what you are saying so that the whole churche will be strengthened.
And it goes on and talks about if you do speak tongues then you should also pray for the ability to prophesy, and that you shoud pray in the spirit (tongues) and in the language that you understand and that you should sing in the spirit and also works that you understand. Chapter 14 really is amazing. and this is what makes me think that i'm not crazy....
God loves you all,
Good night,
And He is. I just wish my bestfriends and I could agree a little more (lot more) on Him. And maybe it's that I'm crazy and all this spiritual stuff is just in my head, or maybe they're just too much in a comfort zone to admit that it is real...oh and this goes for my parents too.
1 Corinthians 14: Tounges and Prophecy ( or gifts of the spirit)
Let love be your highest goal! But you should also desire the special abilities the Spirit gievs--especially the ability to prophesy.2For if you have the ability to speack in tounges, you will be talking only to God, since people won't be able to understand you. You will be speaking by the power of the Spirit, but it will all be mysterious.3But one who prophesies strengthens others, encourages them, and comforts them. 4A person who speaks in toungus is strengthend personally, but one who speaks a word of prophecy strengthens the entire church.
5I wish you could all speak in tongues, but even more i wish you could all prophesy. For prophecy is greater than speaking in tongues, unless someone interprets what you are saying so that the whole churche will be strengthened.
And it goes on and talks about if you do speak tongues then you should also pray for the ability to prophesy, and that you shoud pray in the spirit (tongues) and in the language that you understand and that you should sing in the spirit and also works that you understand. Chapter 14 really is amazing. and this is what makes me think that i'm not crazy....
God loves you all,
Good night,
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Pray for me.
Title says it all,
for all like..1 of you who read this, maybe two, pray for me.
I need strength and courage, and patience. I'm having a great a but hard time right now. I'm coming to a space where i think i'm going to have to really deal with the fact that demons and angels are real, and i'm going to have to defend that fact i think....this is going to be tough...i'm also going to have to explain that i'm not homosexual anymore to some people, and it's going to be hard and it's going to possibly lead to a fight or two...that'll be fun. so, just please, pray for me.
Love you.
for all like..1 of you who read this, maybe two, pray for me.
I need strength and courage, and patience. I'm having a great a but hard time right now. I'm coming to a space where i think i'm going to have to really deal with the fact that demons and angels are real, and i'm going to have to defend that fact i think....this is going to be tough...i'm also going to have to explain that i'm not homosexual anymore to some people, and it's going to be hard and it's going to possibly lead to a fight or two...that'll be fun. so, just please, pray for me.
Love you.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
As far as you know, i could be better off alone

Geez, tonight was amazing. i went to scouts and we had fun and these kids were so crazy...but it was fine, in fact me and one kinda bonded....i think we got to an understanding that if he stops acting like an idiot, then i'll give him attention that isn't yelling at him. it works for us, haha.
But after all that i closed the meeting and I prayed. It was amazing, these amazing words just came out of my mouth about how great God was and everything he gave us, and how that means the material and family and even the fun we had tonight. It was great, i mean i really think that they might have gotten somthing out if it, i mean, i might be crazy and giving myself to much credit, but who knows. all i know is that before i went up there to pray i said my own little prayer to God and asked him to give me the right words to say, and...wow did he answer.
"A God who can be personal and intimate with someone who is sleeping while i am working and who is dreaming in a language i will never be able to understand is a God i can't deny"
That's a quote from Megan Venters, she's amazing.....I really love this openly talking about God thing....i haven't been able to do much of it growing up, but now it's getting easier....and i'm lovin it.
<3>But i don't believe it"
I like to hold your hand.
So i'm waiting to pick up danielle, b/c she sleeps alot.
This weekend was amazing, it was like a youth retreat without the annoying youth counciler. I talked about God more this past weekend than i have ever talked about him at a youth thing, and deeper, the conversations got pretty deep this weekend too. I was suprised. This is just one more thing that makes me thing God wants me to go to a church and fellowship.....i think i might try to start going to meagans church. I'll just have to pray that i can find a ride there.
Ugh..graduation.....it's toooo far away.
i have FOUR lab disections this week!!!!!
yesterday was a perch, today is a frog, tomorrow is free, thursday is a pigeon, and friday is a rat. um.......Gross? yes, thank you very much, it is gross. Our perch had mercury poisoning...now THEY'd like to tell you that that's not a fact, but it is..it was red...perch are silver if you didn't know...and ours was red....and bent....ew.
okay...now i leave for school....and the frog.
This weekend was amazing, it was like a youth retreat without the annoying youth counciler. I talked about God more this past weekend than i have ever talked about him at a youth thing, and deeper, the conversations got pretty deep this weekend too. I was suprised. This is just one more thing that makes me thing God wants me to go to a church and fellowship.....i think i might try to start going to meagans church. I'll just have to pray that i can find a ride there.
Ugh..graduation.....it's toooo far away.
i have FOUR lab disections this week!!!!!
yesterday was a perch, today is a frog, tomorrow is free, thursday is a pigeon, and friday is a rat. um.......Gross? yes, thank you very much, it is gross. Our perch had mercury poisoning...now THEY'd like to tell you that that's not a fact, but it is..it was red...perch are silver if you didn't know...and ours was red....and bent....ew.
okay...now i leave for school....and the frog.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Maggie, blessed child.
Mr. Cafferty, my old orchestra teacher's husband came to the school today and talked about their daughter and how she's getting better all the time, and about the miracles that have happened concerning her, and it was with an audience of teachers and a few fellow students. And just having everyone there, all believing in every word Mr. Cafferty said, it was amazing. The belief in God was over powering, and i just pray that it continues and that maggie comes to her full health, and i believe that God will make that happen.
God has basically been screaming at me to do some fellowship type stuff, but i just don't have time right now and it's killing me.
i'm going to try to go to some church this sunday, maybe even the shack.......i'm not sure.
I'm reading this amazing book called The Watchers and it's about a girl who has visions from God and she has somthing called the Sight and she can see angels and demons. it's really awesome, and a little bit like the last christian book i read called Prophet by Frank Peretti, who is an amazing writer.
God bless all of you,
i'm Praying for you.
God has basically been screaming at me to do some fellowship type stuff, but i just don't have time right now and it's killing me.
i'm going to try to go to some church this sunday, maybe even the shack.......i'm not sure.
I'm reading this amazing book called The Watchers and it's about a girl who has visions from God and she has somthing called the Sight and she can see angels and demons. it's really awesome, and a little bit like the last christian book i read called Prophet by Frank Peretti, who is an amazing writer.
God bless all of you,
i'm Praying for you.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Friends and life

I am blessed.
I acknowledge that.
My friends are amazing, and i am blessed with the things that have happened in my life. The good and the bad. I've had some amazing stuff that has helped me get through all the bad times, and all my badtimes have strengthened me to get through the worse times.
School has been rough, but it'll help me get through college, and i'm talking about school work and classes and teachers, and also the people. Its gonna be hard, i know that, but i'll be able to deal with it. I mean, does it get worse than white knoll highschool in the middle of freaking red bank?
The only thing that i need that i don't have right now is a job...but that will come along. Wether it's at the Wired Bean like i want it to be, or at some other coffeeshop/bookstore/place of employment. If I pray, it will happen. i'm confident in that.
i have to be.
Monday, April 16, 2007
Je Coeur Toi

I Heart You
I just told my bestfriend this, via blog.
And she's amazing.
that's how i feel about my girl situation.
that's how i feel about my friend situation.
that's how i feel about my school situation.
that's how i feel about my God situation.
Mon Dieu est parfait.
the photo is of easter egg dye and a love of friends having fun at the old mill.
Saturday, April 14, 2007
After prom
So um.....back from prom, i'm really tired, and i danced like a mof.....
it was amazing.
Courtney was the best date ever.
i love her so much.
my house is so loud....
everyone is talking...
i need sleep
i need to go on a "walk"
it was amazing.
Courtney was the best date ever.
i love her so much.
my house is so loud....
everyone is talking...
i need sleep
i need to go on a "walk"
Give me Living Water and I'll meet you at the riverside.
Tonight is prom, i have to start getting ready in like fifteen minutes.
Courtney is seriously the bestfriend i could have. I appriciate her now, more than ever. I feel like as long as we're both on the same page, we can help eachother through anything. God is working through that girl, wether she knows it or not, i can see it, and the least of that work concerns helping me.
I think it's a good thing that i'm going with a friend to prom, and the fact that it's courtney is even better. If it was a girl i liked,...i dunno. The whole getting over homosexuality thing is working really well, but i don't know if i'm quite ready for a relationship, like i really really want to be in one but i don't know if i should. But God will help me with all of that, i know He will.
I'm so happy, isn't it amazing how you can have a problem and just go, "hey God, i need help, i'm giving you this problem, thanks for taking the burden." and it's all better. i don't know if that happens for you, but it does to me.
Never let go of God, b/c he'll never let go of you.
i'll write more when i get back. <3
Courtney is seriously the bestfriend i could have. I appriciate her now, more than ever. I feel like as long as we're both on the same page, we can help eachother through anything. God is working through that girl, wether she knows it or not, i can see it, and the least of that work concerns helping me.
I think it's a good thing that i'm going with a friend to prom, and the fact that it's courtney is even better. If it was a girl i liked,...i dunno. The whole getting over homosexuality thing is working really well, but i don't know if i'm quite ready for a relationship, like i really really want to be in one but i don't know if i should. But God will help me with all of that, i know He will.
I'm so happy, isn't it amazing how you can have a problem and just go, "hey God, i need help, i'm giving you this problem, thanks for taking the burden." and it's all better. i don't know if that happens for you, but it does to me.
Never let go of God, b/c he'll never let go of you.
i'll write more when i get back. <3
Monday, April 9, 2007
psycho parents

so my last post was about m parents being really unfair and stupid and not giving me any credit. but then my mom freaked out b/c she didn't want me to be on the computer, and ripped out my internet, so it didn't get posted.
yaaay for crazy ass parents.
Courtney is going to sleep right now, i might later....if cass lets me........
Courtney has a boy-ish, and i have a girl that i really want to date............so things are looking up.
I need coffee....and um....i also need sleep, and maybe some alcohol..i can't spell....
I really love God, and God is amazing.
and i've just heard about some ppl giving me a lot of props for dealing with this stuff.......
if you haven't heard i'm dealing with a lot of tough sin stuff.....Lust sucks.........
um..............wow....i'm so tired...and so babbleing
i can't spell
i've had like the best spring break ever, once me and my mom stopped getting in fights every night,...but to be fair that only happened twice and then when i didn't come home till like 12 one night, she got the picture that i wasn't going to be home if she was going to yell at me for everything i did.
it was a good lesson learned.
so that's been my week.
i love everyone.
Monday, April 2, 2007
So basically, i like this girl, and this is the first time in about two years, that i've liked someone that was good for me to like.
This excites me a whoooole lot, b/c if it works out, i'll be like a real young adult boy again. (go ahead, try to make sense of that, i dare you)
I've decided that i'm not going to let past...things(relationships, friendships, arguments, ect.) affect me nearly as much. I talked to courtney last night and well....she helped me figure some stuff out, even if she doesn't know it.
This excites me a whoooole lot, b/c if it works out, i'll be like a real young adult boy again. (go ahead, try to make sense of that, i dare you)
I've decided that i'm not going to let past...things(relationships, friendships, arguments, ect.) affect me nearly as much. I talked to courtney last night and well....she helped me figure some stuff out, even if she doesn't know it.
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