Geez, tonight was amazing. i went to scouts and we had fun and these kids were so crazy...but it was fine, in fact me and one kinda bonded....i think we got to an understanding that if he stops acting like an idiot, then i'll give him attention that isn't yelling at him. it works for us, haha.
But after all that i closed the meeting and I prayed. It was amazing, these amazing words just came out of my mouth about how great God was and everything he gave us, and how that means the material and family and even the fun we had tonight. It was great, i mean i really think that they might have gotten somthing out if it, i mean, i might be crazy and giving myself to much credit, but who knows. all i know is that before i went up there to pray i said my own little prayer to God and asked him to give me the right words to say, and...wow did he answer.
"A God who can be personal and intimate with someone who is sleeping while i am working and who is dreaming in a language i will never be able to understand is a God i can't deny"
That's a quote from Megan Venters, she's amazing.....I really love this openly talking about God thing....i haven't been able to do much of it growing up, but now it's getting easier....and i'm lovin it.
<3>But i don't believe it"
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