So, the past three times i've worshiped with other people, it has been amazing. (btw, i worship through music and praying) Saturday at SOL and Thursday at Rio and sunday at Shack, They were all amazing. and all had really cool parts to them. Like sunday, i was just praying for joel, and he looked straight at me. Caught me off guard, now i was standing infront of him and he was leading worship, but i generally don't make eye contact with people i'm praying for while worshiping. but it was really cool. And i prayed for jessica, and david, and jessica and david...(jessicandavid)....you can make them in to one word, haha. anyways, that was cool, i've realized that i love praying, for myself, for other people, for groups i'm part of, for entire cities, nations, and the world. I've prayed for the world, it was intense but i liked it. It just feels so right to me, like it's what i should be doing. of course sometimes it feels forced, but usually that feeling goes away and it just comes to me what to say. It's amazing, and this is sooo weird, b/c i use to have a hard time praying quietly, like inside my head. i use to sit there and be like ..."hey G to the od, what's up? hows it hangin in heaven.....um...um...amen" and that happend rarely.
Now though, i pray all the time, out loud, in my head, infront of no one or all of shack, even over the phone with some people. This is a huge leap in my spiritual depth. i should have guessed that prayer would be a gift of mine...i mean...have you heard how much i talk? but i was always real shy, and maybe it took me finding a familychurch to let me come in to praying fully. i dunno, but God is amazing.
The end.
Love, Laugh, Worship.
1 comment:
Denton, you are amazing.
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