But it's okay.
God will give me strength, God will give me peace. And I will meet with Garret and Julia again.
no clue if you will ever read this, but here it goes.
no clue if you will ever read this, but here it goes.
Thank you, thank you, thank you. I could never say these words enought to you Mr. Curry. You were the brother that never judged me, and i'm so grateful. You never expected anything but honesty from me, and you never assumed anything. You asked about everything and made me face questions i didn't think i could. And you did this in an hour sitting on sticks and leaves talking to me as a pastor, friend, and brother in christ. You are the oldest person i have ever talked to about my struggles and a male at that. Sunday night, last night, your last Shack, all i could think about was that conversation we had, sitting in leaves while the boys played football. I'm sure you would have loved to join them, but you sat with me, helping me, asking me questions, listening to my answers.
I can only Hope and Pray that God will put another man in my life as willing as you.
so once again Garret, thank you.
And thank you too Julia, seeing you and Garret at the Wired Bean, I would think to myself, "wow, so that's what marrige is like. Cool" It made me look foward to it even more.
I love you both, and am going to miss you, but i'll hold you in my heart and think of you often.
Merry Christmas, and all that it implies,
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