Saturday, May 12, 2007


So i confirmed two things tonight, and one is very good, the other was/is pretty latteral.
Tonight could not have been better, i don' think i've ever had such a positive time in my it just hasn't happened like this before. ever.
I even went through this spell where i felt really lonely and then Courtney called me and was like "Where are you?!?" and like, seirously, baring sending the cops to look for me, could not have made me feel more loved. She is my bestfriend and there is a point to us being friends, i've accepted this.
Confetti is an amazing movie, go rent it from BlockBuster andwatch it. ignore the nudist part. hahahaha
God Bless,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i saw you. and it made me real happy. gross i just said real.. i cant hang out with you and courtney anymore. im sorry.

ahhh my brother ate one of the packets of pop rocks!!! i was like crap now there isnt enough for me courtney and denton!! .. so we'll just not tell ms jones. jk i love her. see you tomorrow. dance?