And i can only thank God for that. He has gotten me through once again. At some point, maybe it'll get easier to not get myself in to positions where He needs to. but for now, i'm so amazingly thankful for that. I mean, if you're going through a rough time right now, try just giving it up to God, it helps. i know you prob. think i'm silly, but i mean, really.....if you've exhausted all of your other options. what does it hurt to try? i mean, many many people do it every day, all the time, there are books, the bible...etc...., written about it, and ppl sing and dance about it all the time. We can't all be wrong can we? i mean, in what other religion did a person let them selves be killed to save us? I mean, it's a historical fact that Jesus lived, and that He died on a cross, okay, so christians have it right so far, why not be a little self-indulgent and say He did it all for us? Crazy right? why would some one who walked through his entire life with out wrong doing, and just constantly helping people, die for people that no one but God knew would eventually exist? B/c he loved us.
Don't ask why i decided to preach tonight, it just happened, the Spirit moved me. I hope you enjoyed, i did.
Love all of you.
God bless,
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