Theme of one of the most blessed weeks of my life.
And i miss it terribly. I miss it so much but it's not a painful or bitter or sad missing, it's just...
i miss my kids, and the guys in my cabin, and serving and waking up at 1:30 to wake up a 13 yr old type one diabetic and having awesome conversations then and then going to sleep in my uncomfortable bed hot and sticky and humid and feeling like i had served and accomplished and sleeping better than ever b/c of that. I miss sitting in the middle of the floor at 12 o'clock and praying for God to protect my cabin and the whole camp and to wisper in their ears and guide and protect them in their sleep and dreams. I miss all of it.

I want my whole life to be like that, to be concerned for kids that are not my own but at the same time, are. I want to minister to kids and i want to teach them about our God and about serving and about living and being children of God and men and women of God.
I think I want to be a youth minister....This complicates things, but it's okay. b/c it's a direction...and one i've now had a little bit of insight in to, and i'm not scared of it anymore. I hunger for it.
To my future Wife,
I have been re-affirmed of your existence, i know God will give us to eachother, i've started praying for you now.
I know we'll meet, and you wont be the girl i can have a 5 hour conversation with (b/c i can do that with a lot of people) but because we can sit there for 5 hours and not have to talk. You'll share my appriciation for simplicity and you'll help me in my fight against materialism and complexity. You'll pray for me as i will you and you'll pray with me, and i hope and pray that God takes care of you and makes you're way blessed and sends you angels to guard you. I Love You, and I trust in God that He will protect you.
1 comment:
I love your blogs, Denton.
They always give me so much hope.
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