Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Man of God

I'm still trying to figure out how to do this, how to become a Man of God.
I've made progress, but it's been slow, which is good. I have a new mantra of sorts, and it's helped. Love, Serve, Obey. Love God and my fellow people, Serve God and serve Him by serving others, and Obey what God has commanded. Sounds pretty simple right....and it's actually not that bad. i mean, it's not easy, but life isn't easy. So anyways, this new outlook is helping me.
God will never stop delivering for me. I don't even know if i have been asking for help, but i've been getting it, so i'm really glad.
I have also decided that i'm going to get a lot more serious about my commitments to God. Going through a week with younger kids to keep me accountable taught me a lot. Like how i have to repress saying "that's what she said" far more than i should, i mean, can i really not have a conversation without my mind reverting to sex....even during the first and maybe the second chaple services i had to keep myself in major check with that crap. So i'm working on clearing up my heart and my mind in hopes of becoming a better Man of God. I WILL be one of the guys who makes my friends that i girls highten their standards. I want to beable to lead younger kids with a good and clean heart, and give them something to help them realize you can be Clean and Good and still have fun.
Lord, Father of all, please help me in this, help me become a better child to You and a better image to them.

Love Serve Obey

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