Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Rain: The sound of Love

I'm sitting here in my living room,
listening to it..It's a beautiful sound,
it's the sound of God
quenching the earth, comforting his children,
answering their prayers.

It's one of the numerous sounds of love that He offers us,
along with the sounds of our friends laughing,
the sound of loved ones clapping,
and three very simple words.

And sometimes those words are so so hard to say.
And sometimes still, they're the absolute toughest to hear.
They are words of grace, and of mercy, of forgiveness.
They are the words that say so much more.
They say,
I accept you, as you are,
I don't see your flaws, but your perfections,
I don't see your darkness, because I'm blinded by your light.
I embrace your brokenness because I accept your breaking.
I Lived for you, so you can Live for me.

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