Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Life goes on.

And it get's better and better and better.
So with out actually intending to, i think i've just been calling out to God to help me make things possible, and if that's not it, then He did all this with out me asking. But things are looking up soo much! i actually paid attention in both of my classes to day and learned and retained information. This is insane, b/c i really have trouble doing this due to my ADD and Torette's (sp?) syndrom. And i think things are looking up in one area of my life, so yeah, more on that later.
And, i just spen like 25 minutes praying outside, and it was awesome! It wasn't some grand comunion between me and God or anything, it was just me asking Him about some stuff and asking His help on things, and just abiding in eachother. It was really cool, and chill...who knew God, creator of all, could be so chill?!?
God bless,

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