Thursday, August 2, 2007

Essence before Existence. This exist, quite objectively; what now?

Dear God,
I've not had a break for three weeks, if not longer. This is a problem that i don't have a solution to at all. So, now it's Yours. it's a 2000 dollar problem that i'm giving to You to fix. I'll be more than happy to be a vessal for that solution, but i can't do more than that. This is a petition to You, I'm at my end, i'm praying and i'm talking to You, and now i'm petitioning You. I love You Abba. You are my Father, my Daddy, my Go-To-Guy. I thank You for everything You've given me and done for me. But i do have to ask, what does this lead to. There is a point to all of this, i just don't know what yet. I know so far that it's pushed me closer to you, taught my how to lose control to you, and taught me patience, but that's it so far. Please, give me some insight.

I've had many amazing conversations to day, and i don't really know how to deal with all of them. But i'm gonna try now.
Megan-I'm sorry, i'm praying, i almost cried when i read that email, i've never faced this situation before, but it's somthing i have to deal with, welcome to the real world, eh? I understand your position in this, really, i do. :/
Courtney-I am now accountable for you, i will be your Watcher. I'm glad because of this.
Susan-I hope that what me and courtney talked about today will help you some. I've wanted to introduce you to God for a while, maybe it'll happen soon, i dunno.
Philip- sorry i hit you a lot today, hahaha. Our friendship means a lot to me, even if you don't realize it yet.
Meagan B-i didn't call you back, i'm sorry, some issues came up that i'm still not sure how to deal with. I'll call you tomorrow. but today was a lot of fun and i hope it can happen lots more.

God is working, i can feel it in my soul. I don't know if i'm excited about it, but i know i'm anxious about it.

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