Tuesday, March 4, 2008

How Great is our God?

Sing with me, how Great is our God?

So, today is beautiful. In ways that astound me. the temperature at 11 AM is amazing, the wind is going crazy. I don't know how to express this fully. but here's a little story that might give you a clue,..and a laugh.
So i wake up and call danielle back, we agree to get out of bed at the same time, and then i go outside and go "JOMDLGJLJ FDSHG IUG it feels AMAZING!!!!" andso then we hang up and i go outside again. By the way, im in my boxers. i'm standing on the mini Padio infront of our door, and just get so overwhelmed with joy, i start singing, and i start singing "How great is our God" by Christ Tomlin. I don't have a great voice, and singing is not my main way of worship, but it just kinda happened, it's all i could think, i just kept asking my self, "How much must He love us, to give us this, He is so great to us." and so i sang, and i ended up with my hands up in the air dancing and praising God. It was amazing. and theeeennn. a truck drove by,..and the woman in the passenger seat just stared at me like i was holding a human head in one hand and a knife in the other, hahahaha. I quickly ran inside....

Moral of the story- If you are going to praise God outside in your boxers, do it in your back yard.

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